Ayurveda | The Knowledge of Life

With its roots in ancient India, Ayurveda is among the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, dating back over 4,500 years. The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit language, and can be translated to mean the knowledge/science of life.

Ayurveda is an elemental science, offering a framework of holistic healing which connects the individual to the qualities and rhythms of nature.

Ayurveda teaches us that the five great elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth are present within the world at large, as well as in our bodies. Each element has innate qualities; therefore, having excess of a certain element will manifest in an imbalance. Likewise, having a deficiency of certain elements will manifest in an imbalance.

Like increases like and opposites balance.

Ayurveda offers insight on how we can bring the elements and their qualities within our bodies and minds back into a state of balance, with lifestyle and diet practices.

Some common tools used include herbs and spices, eating habits, mindfulness, rest, movement practice, and breathwork, among many other things.

Ayurveda is primarily focused on preventative health, yet also offers tools for reversing states of imbalance and dis(ease), depending on the stage of manifestation. Ayurvedic practitioners and doctors offer deeper levels of treatment for states of manifested disease.

The approach taken in Ayurvedic health is highly individualized. The process begins by exploring a person’s natural constitution, or prakriti. From here the natural tendencies of their body can be understood and imbalances can be better prevented and treated.